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Ancestors of Victoria Elizabeth Haskell


18900336. John Lackland , King of England

John (reigned 1199-1216) was an able administrator interested in law and government but he neither trusted others nor was trusted by them. Heavy taxation, disputes with the Church (John was excommunicated by the Pope in 1209) and unsuccessful attempts to recover his French possessions made him unpopular. Many of his barons rebelled and in June 1215 they forced the King to sign a peace treaty accepting their reforms.
This treaty, later known as Magna Carta, limited royal powers, defined feudal obligations between the King and the barons, and guaranteed a number of rights.

Excerpted from The British Monarchy Official Website-The History of the Crown- The Angevins (
Used in accordance with their posted copyright policy.

18900337. Isabella of Angouleme

daughter of Count of Angouleme (British Monarchy Website)